GRID SPACING: C&C Cages are not created equal simply because it’s called a "C&C Cage." One of the primary aspects to safety is the size of the openings in the grids. 14x14” grids MUST have 9 squares across and 9 squares down. The fewer the squares, the larger the openings, making them unsafe. Despite their size, guinea pigs are surprisingly adept at squeezing through tight spaces.

An opening larger than 1.5 inches is unsafe. Young guinea pigs and even some adult guinea pigs can get their head stuck in an opening of a grid. It’s happened. Consider placing a secondary barrier such as a wire mesh, cardboard, Coroplast piece, or half window around the cage perimeter to further enhance security, particularly for baby guinea pigs. Our Pig-a-boo windows are clear and can be attached to the grids temporarily until the adult stage.
There are some manufacturers online who sell 12” x 12” grids among other sizes, touting them as C&C grids or storage grids. Remember, standard C&C cage grids are 14” x 14” and have different thicknesses of the wire. So keep in mind, one grid may not fit another’s connector, and vice versa. If you have grids with openings no larger than 1.5”, but they’re not 14” x 14”, you need to take measurements and make your own Coroplast base. See How To Make Your Own C&C Cage.
POWDER COATED VS. VINYL GRIDS: Many grid manufacturers use vinyl or epoxy coated grids – which is fine if you’re using them for storage cubes. However, when making a guinea pig cage, vinyl or epoxy coated grids can be tempting for guinea pigs with a tendency to chew.
Over the years, we’ve seen images of grid coating being pulled off by guinea pigs. While they don’t necessarily ingest them, it’s certainly not good for their intestines if they do. Our Pig-a-boo Windows would work here to block the grid sections which they can reach, but you’d have to attach them all the way around the cage which limits air circulation. Aim for powder-coated grids. Guinea pigs may try and chew on them, but once they realize they’re unable to pull off the pieces, the thrill is gone. All of our Grids, including all of our Specialty Grids are powder-coated
When considering a loft or two level cage, keep in mind guinea pigs can run pretty fast and they don’t always pay close attention to overhead obstacles. Be sure the ramp has sufficient wall side height and the passage has enough overhead clearance so they don’t run down the ramp and hit their head on the full grid above. Our two-level cages all have sufficient clearance using our Portal Grid as well as an option of a mini grid as a “door” that can be adjusted and placed wherever it works best for your guinea pigs to have ample clearance while still keeping them safe.
COROPLAST ®: Not all “Coroplast” bases are the same.
Coroplast® is the leading brand name of corrugated plastic we’ve used since 2003. It’s chemically inert, and free from additives or ink. Its “extruded” meaning color pigment is blended into the plastic and is consistent throughout the entire sheet. It has a smooth, sleek finish making it is easy to clean.
Some examples of names/brands that are commonly used: Coroflute, Correx, Plasticore, Cor-X, etc. It’s frequently pronounced or misspelled as Cloroplast, Colorplast, Clorpast, etc. or the generic “Coro.” All are corrugated plastic, but there are differences.
- Thickness: For example, thickness can be 2mm – 10mm. Aim for 4mm only. 2mm is too thin and flimsy, and 5mm is too thick and unnecessary. Some corrugated plastic has colored ink printed on the surface, which can lift from the facing and peel over time. This method may not be as durable as genuine extruded Coroplast with the color all the way through. See our article on What is Coroplast ® ?
- Cutting methods: All our Coroplast® products are cut with our custom-made hand tools for a smooth, clean edge, so there’s no machined or toothed saw blade that can leave rough edges or burrs from CNC machines. We’ve also perfected our cutting and scoring process, so we can inspect and test products prior to shipping, and there’s no back folding, and NO crease marks.
- Wall height: Whether you use disposable bedding or fleece, the wall height is standard at 6”. This keeps bedding inside the cage while still allowing them to view their surroundings. Guinea pigs also like pooping in corners – and they can scoot their butts up to the wall and poop out the side of a 3” or 4” coroplast wall—not likely with the standard 6” walls.
Coroplast Edgers: These may be needed if you have guinea pigs that tend to chew on the Coroplast. It’s not harmful to them as it’s inert, but it’s better to protect it with our custom made Edgers, which are smooth, shiny, and designed thick enough that they cannot chew through it, keeping the Coroplast intact.
We designed our Flip-Fold Covers to withstand weights of up to 46 lbs using our custom rods and support bars, which are strong, thick, and made to our specifications. These ensure a sturdy, strong grid cover, allowing air flow and easy access to the full interior of the cage.
Whether you are buying an entire cage, adding on to your existing habitat, or just having fun with new cage accessories, your pet’s safety should always remain at the top of your checklist. Having Guinea Pigs in your home is fun and rewarding, and with a little bit of research it can also be made easy!