Fleece Bedding



We highly recommend using fleece bedding or a fleece/disposable combo for your piggy’s ultimate comfort, ease of use, cleaning, and access. There are many fleece options available, but after testing PiggyBedSpreads fleece bedding ourselves, we can confidently say they are top-notch in quality, expertly crafted, and fully compatible with all of our C&C cages and accessories.

Their Cage Mate Liners and Bedspreads are made of high quality materials and utilize a three layer system. First, a colorful layer of water-wicking fleece directs any liquids into the absorbent layer below. Then, the super absorbent textile quilted layer goes to work soaking up to 10 times its weight in liquid! And below all of that, an ultra waterproof fabric helps to minimize any leakage to your cage base. We've included a link with each of our cage sizes to the corresponding compatible fleece option from Piggy Bedspreads.

Because guinea pigs aren’t necessarily potty trainable, Piggy Bedspreads designed bedding solutions to create an environment that works with your guinea pig’s natural instincts. When used in conjunction with a “kitchen” area filled with disposable bedding that can be easily emptied out, it'll be a breeze keeping your piggy's cage cleaner for longer.

Guinea pigs like to have privacy (overhead) as it’s their natural built-in instinct to be wary of hawks. They tend to potty in the corners of their cage, where they eat, sleep, graze---yes all in one place. But that’s normal for them. They will also sometimes potty elsewhere in the cage, but if you can catch it where they spend the most time, cleaning becomes much easier.

Generally, if you have a two-level cage whether it’s a loft or patio, it’s easiest to place a kitchen under this area as it will act as overhead cover.  For one-level cages, our Cavy Canopy works fine. We also have a MidWest Canopy for the MidWest Habitat cage. Piggybedspreads also has fleece bedding for this style cage as well.

We offer four different size C&C cage kitchens that can be used with Piggy Bedspreads Fleece products. We’ve designed these around both your needs and theirs, as well as potty output and number of guinea pigs in the cage. Generally, our smallest kitchen option, the Cavy Café, is an adequate “litter” box area and measures 1x2 grids.

If you are using a kitchen you only need to purchase fleece for the remainder of the cage. For example, if you have a 2x4 grid cage and a 1x2 grid kitchen, then you’d only need a 2x3 grid fleece liner. We recommend utilizing both a kitchen and fleece, as it is easier to lift each out and empty individually since they are not as heavy when full. Depending on the size of your cage you can use two cafes on either end if there’s room! Our Cavy Bistro is 1.5 x 2 grids, and our Cavy Grazer is 2x2 grids. These larger sizes aren’t as easy to lift out and cannot be slid through French Doors like the café, but they can accommodate four or more guinea pigs.

We also created the Midwest Diner kitchen which is meant for the Midwest Habitat cage only. It works with the original canvas base, MidWest Piggy  Liner as well as their MidWest Piggy Bedspread and our Coroplast® Replacement base for Midwest Habitat cages.

Check out PiggyBedSpreads website and if you're unsure which size to get, you can always ask them Contact Piggybedspreads.