Entrepiso para jaulas Midwest

Los gastos de envío se calculan en la pantalla de pago.
Actualice su Midwest Cage con un segundo nivel seguro que proporciona fácil acceso para la limpieza. El Midwest Mezzanine es intrínsecamente estable con sus dos rampas y variedad de rejillas, creando un segundo nivel ideal para que los conejillos de indias expresen sus zoomies.
13" x 22.5" x 3.75"
(1) Base intermedia Coroplast de 4 mm en 16 colores a su elección
(2) Rampas alfombradas de Coroplast que combinan con el color elegido
(2) Cuadrículas estándar de 14" x 14" en blanco o negro
(2) rejillas delgadas
(2) medias rejillas cortas
(1) Mini Moon Grid con inserto semicircular
(4) remaches de plástico de color natural para asegurar los lados.
Rejillas de domo o medias adicionales opcionales para seguridad
Sujetacables a juego con el color de su rejilla
Instrucciones de montaje en color fáciles de seguir con fotos.

Customer Reviews

Based on 18 reviews
A 2nd story for the MidWest

My 3 boars love the addition of the mezzanine. It really gives them the added room they need to have some space to themselves.

Liza Gonzalez-Brondou
Great service and products!

I purchased the mezzanine and the cavy diner. Before they shipped my item, I received an email asking if I had a Midwest cage that I was using this for and then guided me to switch from the diner to the cafe because it will fit better. They updated my order and my order shipped quickly! Very glad they reached out and saved me the hassle of making a return. Great service and products!

Leslie Mon-Lashway
Happy piggies

My 3 boars love the addition of the mezzanine. It really gives them the added room they need to have some space to themselves.

Excellent addition!

My family has a trio of adult male guinea pigs who have been together since birth. They need a big space, so we got them a two Midwest cages and attached them together. . When we discovered your store we were thrilled to see additions for our existing cage. We could enhance their environment without replacing the entire cage (and save money!). Our boys love the Midwest Mezzanine! We added the diner underneath and recently replaced the canvas with new coroplast bases. It was a great way to make our old cage last longer and be a better home for our boys. They love to hide under the mezzanine and run up and down the ramps. The product is high quality and was fairly easy to assemble.

My guinea pigs love it!

I had originally bought two pigloos (one for each piggy) to put on one side of my Midwest cage. It took up a lot of space. Then I had the thought, "Why not get a loft? The guinea pigs could still have a hiding place underneath, but more space to explore upstairs!" I looked everywhere for a loft, but I couldn't find anything. Then I came across this. It is GENUIS. It lifts up easily for cleaning, and it is a great feeding area. My piggies were hesitant about climbing up the ramp at first, but after two days they were scampering up and down like pros. When Stella, the youngest, is feeling energetic, she zooms under the loft, out again, up, down, under, around and around. So cute! Clover enjoys relaxing in the hide I put up there, just like a piggy queen. Stella's favorite place in the whole cage is underneath! Putting the loft together took a bit, but when I finished I was impressed on how sturdy it is. The only problem I have is the ramp takes up quite a bit of space, but that can't be helped. I would recommend this to any guinea pig owner!!!